I have been wearing black t-shirts to work for 20 years because they don’t show oil stains.
The moon will be its fullest tomorrow August 7th at 2:10 pm.
It will be new again on August 21.
If you follow astrology, you know the strength of this moon cycle for making changes. This is especially true if you are a Leo like me.
Reiki Circle is this evening, Sunday, August 6, 4pm to 6pm in my office.
If you feel the energy of change bubbling hard below your surface or sparkling gently in the air around you, you may feel drawn to join us for tonight’s Moon Disk Meditation followed by Reiki practice.
No meditation or Reiki experience required.
DO BRING your intentions for change. Consider bringing a physical object or an idea that represents something you want to let go of.
I will be bringing black t-shirts. And throwing them into the dumpster on my way out :-)

Black absorbs light and white reflects it.
On this full moon I am letting go of absorbing other people’s energy.
What about you? If your heart jumped, or whispered yes! don’t think more about it. This is for you.
You are welcome. Just let me know you’ll be there by text or email.
617 455 7085 lisabedoyamassage@gmail.com

Reiki Circle Rough Outline:
4pm: Introductions
4:15 Short discussion and offering our objects for letting go
4:30 Moon Disk Meditation
4:45 Reflect and Share
5:00 Reiki Practice (you will receive a Reiki treatment and continue short meditations while others receive theirs. Time may be extended depending on number of participants. Feel free to stay as long as you like.)
5:45 Closing Reflections and Meditation